healthy diet during pregnancy


healthy diet during pregnancy

In our previous lesson, we looked at some healthy meals one should take in during pregnancy. We continue today’s lesson, by looking at other healthy diets that will enable one have a healthy pregnancy.


Avocados are scarce fruit because they contain a lot of monounsaturated fatty acids and are also high in fiber, B-vitamins (especially folate), vitamin K, potassium, copper, vitamin E and vitamin C.


Avocados are a great choice for pregnant women because of its high content of healthy fats, folate and potassium.

The healthy fats help build the skin, brain and tissues of the fetus, and folate may help prevent neural tube defects
Potassium may help relieve leg cramps, a side effect of pregnancy for some women. Avocados actually contain more potassium than bananas.


Sweet potatoes are very rich in beta-carotene, a plant compound that is converted into vitamin A in the body.

Vitamin A is essential for growth, as well as for the differentiation of most cells and tissues. It is very important for healthy fetal development
Pregnant women are generally advised to increase their vitamin A intake by 10–40%

However, they are also advised to avoid very high amounts of animal-based sources of vitamin A, which may cause toxicity when eaten in excess


Therefore, beta-carotene is a very important source of vitamin A for pregnant women.
Sweet potatoes are an excellent source of beta-carotene. About 100–150 grams (3.5–5.3 oz.) of cooked sweet potatoes fulfills the entire RDI

Furthermore, sweet potatoes contain fiber, which may increase fullness, reduce blood sugar spikes and improve digestive health and mobility.


Beef, pork and chicken are excellent sources of high-quality protein. Beef and pork are also rich in iron, choline and other B-vitamins — all of which are needed in higher amounts during pregnancy.

Iron is an essential mineral that is used by red blood cells as a part of hemoglobin. It is important for delivering oxygen to all cells in the body.

Iron is needed more by pregnant women due to the increase of their blood volume. This is particularly important during the third trimester.

The risk of premature delivery and low birth weight doubles as a result of low levels of iron during early and mid-pregnancy which may cause iron deficiency anemia.

It may be hard to cover iron needs with diet alone, especially since many pregnant women develop abhorrence to meat

However, for those who can, eating red meat regularly may help increase the amount of iron acquired from the diet.
Eating foods that are rich in vitamin C, such as oranges or bell peppers, may also help increase absorption of iron from meals.


Broccoli and dark, green vegetables, such as kale and spinach, contain many of the nutrients such as; fiber, vitamin C, vitamin K, vitamin A, calcium, iron, folate and potassium that pregnant women need.

Broccoli and leafy greens are rich in antioxidant and also contain plant compounds that benefit the immune system and digestion.

Due to their high fiber content, these vegetables may also help prevent constipation. This is a very common problem among pregnant women.

Consuming green, leafy vegetables has also been linked with a reduced risk of low birth weight.


To be continued…




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