18 Fishermen Arrested For Illegal Fishing


The suspects with the exhibits

TOTAL of 18 fishermen, including a Chinese, have been arrested in a dawn swoop
for allegedly engaging in illegal fishing.

operation was conducted by the Eastern Naval Command in Tema at high seas
on Saturday around Prampram, Teshie, Nungua and Tema.


generators were impounded in the exercise which was in collaboration with the
Fisheries Enforcement Unit led by the Minister of Fisheries and
Aquaculture Development, Elizabeth Naa Afoley Quaye.

fishing in which ship/canoe owners use powerful lights to attract fishes in the
sea at night and catch them is an illegal act. In spite of that, some persons
still engage in the illegal act, thereby compelling the authorities to
intensify their patrols.

minister said the operation which started midnight saw four canoes and two
trawlers with 18 persons on board engaging in illegal fishing.

think that after a successful closed season we will not be seeing things like
this. I mean illegal fishing and other practices which are not good for
fishing. These people were arrested at high seas for light fishing contrary to
the laws,” she lamented.

commended fishermen who abide by the law and cautioned those who engaged in
illegal fishing to desist from the practice.

said the culprits would be handed over to the police for further investigation
and prosecution, while the exercise goes on unabated.

It emerged that the Chinese who was picked up was in possession of an expired immigration document and the minister said he would be handed over to Ghana Immigration Service for the necessary action to be taken against him.

From Vincent Kubi, Tema

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