Ghana Card PIN Replaces TIN


The Ghana Card Personal Identification Number (Ghana Card PIN) is replacing the Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) of individuals issued by the Ghana Revenue Authority (GRA).

GRA made this known in a statement dated March 31, 2021, saying the replacement will take effect from Thursday, April 1, 2021.

According to the statement, “this change is in line with Government’s policy on the use of a unique identifier for all transactions where the Identification of an individual is required.”


It said to ensure a seamless roll-out of the initiative, a number of measures have been instituted including the stationing of registration officials of the National Identification Authority (NIA) across 14 GRA offices nationwide to register individuals who do not possess a Ghana Card.

Below is the full statement

By Melvin Tarlue

The post Ghana Card PIN Replaces TIN appeared first on DailyGuide Network.



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