Adulteration of petroleum products: 10 BOST workers to be sacked


The Managing Director of Bulk Oil Storage and Transportation Company Limited (BOST), Edwin Provencal has said about ten (10) members from the Kumasi depot in the Ashanti Region who were caught for the adulteration of petroleum products will be sacked if found guilty after investigations.

Other staff, he said will face punitive measures, he said.

Speaking during a stakeholder meeting with transport owners in Accra said management was patiently waiting for the outcome of the investigations and recommendations of same to act.


In October this year, BOST discovered the adulteration of petroleum products at its depot in Kumasi in the Ashanti Region.

This follows the discovering of product adulteration at its Kumasi depot taking all required steps to rectify the anomaly.

“The truck and its content are being held at a safe place, whilst investigations continue and the driver of the truck is in custody, helping the investigative agencies to get to the bottom of the matter. Further pre-discharge tests disclosed eight more trucks had their contents adulterated,” it said in a statement.

Adulteration of petroleum products entails the illegal introduction of foreign substances that could lead to non-compliance with standard specifications.

This consequently causes irreparable damage to engines, which could result in increased fuel consumption and a low fuel spraying rate in the combustion chamber.



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