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Australian High Commissioner gives reasons why corruption is a problem in Ghana


The Australian High Commissioner to Ghana, Andrew Barnes has said he is fascinated and shocked at the level of corruption in Ghana, given that the country is dominated by Christians.

He said if there is an epidemic of corruption cases, some Christians must be involved in the practice which retards national development adding that corruption is not only illegal but against Christian teachings.

According to him, “For not only corruption is illegal, but it is also immoral and clearly against Christian teachings. As an atheist, it intrigues me that for a strongly Christian country, corruption is such a problem in Ghana.”


Barnes who is an atheist speaking at the launch of the strategic plan of the Ghana Anti-Corruption Coalition in Accra commended the anti-corruption institution for educating Ghanaians about corruptions issues and pressuring the government to address the crisis.

“It is organisations such as yours that keep the pressure on the government and politicians to address the crisis that is corruption. It is you who keep the issue in the public mind so that citizens of Ghana do not go about their daily lives accepting that corruption is normal and that they have no alternative but to put up with it and sometimes sadly become corrupted and compromised themselves.

“It is you who keep the debate going, educate people, suggest ways to address the problem and call out corruption when you see it,” he said.

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