Elections are not a ‘do or die’ affair – Bawumia ‘shades’ Mahama


Vice President, Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia has said that elections and competitions in general are not meant to be life-threatening.

He said one is bound to win and another person is bound to lose in competitions.

In an apparent shade to former President John Dramani Mahama of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) on his ‘do or die’ comment on the 2024 elections, Dr. Bawumia said such is not the spirit of competitions.


The Vice President who was addressing the Ghana construction industry excellence awards ceremony in Accra said: “Finally, let me congratulate the award winners for tonight and I wish those who could not make it a better luck in 2022. You know when you go for these competitions and awards, it is not “do or die”.

In a further swipe, the Vice President said “But serious, if you go to court to challenge an election results and you have no pink sheets, then your case will die”.

Dr Mahamudu Bawumia
Dr Mahamudu Bawumia

The comment by the 2020 flagbearer of the NDC sparked national conversations with some Ghanaians accusing him of inciting his supporters to violence.

Mr. Mahama noted at a radio interview in Techiman in the Bono region that the NDC will insist on the right thing being done at polling centers in the 2024 elections noting it will be a ‘do or die’ affair in polling stations.



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