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Endangering Our Flora, Fauna For Pittance


Ghana is among countries with
poor and unenviable management records of their God-endowed flora and fauna.

Although the whole world is not
doing great in this direction, it appears that our case is extreme. A few days
ago, an attempt was made by a Chinese woman to smuggle endangered rosewood lumber
from the Northern Region. The confidence she exuded as she sought to carry out
her mission is amazing.

Her failed effort is only a tip
of the iceberg. Many logs have left the country and more acres rendered bare of
vegetation cover and especially the highly priced rosewood which does not occur
in every part of the world. For those in Pakistan, Indonesia and we in Ghana
blessed with the natural resource, an effective management module with public
support is necessary in protecting the endangered species of trees.


It is not for nothing that the
rosewood has been classified as an endangered species. It is mindboggling
considering the rate at which our forests are being depleted by unscrupulous
persons and sometimes foreigners.

We appreciate the magnitude of
the task in the hands of the Forestry Commission as they protect our forest
cover around the country.

They would succeed in carrying
out their mandate only when they are supported by their compatriots. Most
Ghanaians do not appreciate the efforts of the commission because they do not
know the importance of our flora and fauna and their precarious state as they
remain in the radar of lumber merchants. Our wildlife population will do well
only if our forest cover is protected sufficiently from lumber hunters.

Most of our wildlife is
endangered because apart from the insatiable crave for bush meat by locals
their habitats have suffered from a fast depleting forest cover.

The ecosystem has never been
subjected to such wanton destruction by mankind in our part of the world, the
effects of which are noticeable by only a few persons who appreciate the
effects of such irresponsible conduct.

Were we to be in a good
position to gauge the effects of the trees we have felled over the years and
unsustainably so, we would render the necessary support to the managers of our
forests without being prompted to do so.

We have persistently taken
things for granted and hardly seek the causes of certain anomalies in the
health of our flora and fauna alongside the effect of this on weather pattern.

There is also a high level of
selfishness which makes us not bother about future generations. Otherwise we
have thought out how to manage sensibly and sustainably the rate at which we
fell trees.

The Chinese woman who was
arrested with the felled rosewood logs could not care a hoot about our depleted
forests. She could go on and on with her occupation unless her Ghanaian
accomplices or even fronts decide to be patriotic and stop the collaboration.

No foreigner can engage in such
activities without the active involvement of a local accomplice.

The enforcement of the law on the depletion of our forest cover appears to have suffered from a lull or not effective enough. It should be supported with education of the locals about the importance of a healthy vegetation cover throughout the country.  

The post Endangering Our Flora, Fauna For Pittance appeared first on DailyGuide Network.

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