Eugene Arhin Supports Muslims


Eugene presenting the items to Imam Seisay 

The Director of Communications at the presidency, Eugene Arhin, yesterday paid a surprise visit to Muslims at Awutu Bawjiase where he hails from.

He donated rice, sugar, mats, plastic kettles and unspecified amount of money to the Muslim community at Awutu Bawjiase in the Awutu Senya West Constituency of the Central region.


It formed part of efforts to support Muslims during the holy month of Ramadan.

Upon reaching Bawjiase, Mr Arhin, who was accompanied by some ruling New Patriotic Party (NPP) constituency executives led by Constituency Chairman, Charles Amoansa and Nasara Coordinator, Ridwan Fuseini, first called on the Zongo Chief (Sarikin), Alhaji Mohammed Muniru at his palace to inform him and elders of the area of his mission.

The hosts warmly welcomed Mr. Arhin and members of his entourage.

He then proceeded to the Bawjiase Central Mosque where he met the Imam, Abass Adams Siesay and other elders of the Muslim community to make another donation.

The Imam and his elders prayed for the young man and asked for God’s blessings and pledged to continue to support him.

The chiefs used the occasion to call for the construction of drains in the area.

Mr. Arhin promised to do everything possible to help address their concerns.

The Director of Communications prayed for the nation, President Akufo-Addo, Member of Parliament (MP), George Andah, the DCE and himself.

He also took the opportunity to advise youth of the area to remain united and support the good works of President Akufo-Addo and the NPP government.

Touching on the issue of jobs for the youth, the Director of Communications expressed willingness to assist them to take advantage of several employment modules that government has introduced.

Mr. Arhin later visited the residence of the late Kojo Oppey Abbey, a former NPP Member of Parliament (MP) for the area, to commiserate with the bereaved family on the passing of their relation.

He made another donation to the family and pledged to attend the funeral of the late MP.

By Charles Takyi-Boadu, Presidential Correspondent

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