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First Lady Offers GH¢50k To Apiate Fund

First Lady Offers GH¢50k To Apiate Fund

The First Lady with Rev. Joyce Aryee

THE FIRST Lady of the Republic, Rebecca Akufo-Addo, yesterday donated GH¢50,000 Ghana cedis to the Apiate Support Fund for the reconstruction and rehabilitation of the Apiate community.

In her remark, the First Lady disclosed that she has already made an earlier donation of some relief items to the victims of Apiate when the incident first occurred.


She said the incident is a huge tragedy that has troubled all Ghanaians and as a senior citizen of Ghana and a mother full of empathy for her children, it is only right that she also adds her contribution to help Apiate.

The First Lady also encouraged Ghanaians to do what they can to help restore the livelihoods of the people of Apiate.

“We all have to do our bit to help restore their homes and their lives,” she added.

The Chairperson of the Fund, Rev. Dr. Joyce Aryee, on behalf of the committee, expressed her profound gratitude to the First Lady for her empathetic gesture to the reconstruction of the Apiate community.

Madam Joyce said the First Lady has proven that she is indeed a mother of the nation, adding that she knows her contribution will go beyond material things considering her soft spot for women and children.

The post First Lady Offers GH¢50k To Apiate Fund appeared first on DailyGuide Network.


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