
July 28, 2017


The stars are turning up the volume on all our emotions, and in your case, they are also going to turn you into a magnet for the attentions of admirers, new and old. If there’s someone you’ve been trying to get together with, it’s a given that you’ll be able to make that connection now. So all you really have to do is show up, smile and see what happens. Sounds nice, huh? Enjoy.



Your family needs you now, and you’re going to go all out to help. Even if they don’t mention the problem, you’ll know about it instinctively. The stars will help illuminate the situation, and expose whatever has been going on that they may have been too proud or too fearful to mention to you. Once the issue is out, you can sit them down; find out what they need and put together a plan. And who’s better at planning than earthy, grounded you?


The stars are about to expose a tricky situation, possibly involving a sibling or neighbor, and you’ll want to help. The good news is that you’re very likely the only person who can help, and it’s not a moment too soon that you caught wind of all this. If it’s a financial problem, do what you can without putting yourself in jeopardy. The next step is to help them put together a budget, or make plans to start saving.


You’ve been feeling extremely emotional for days, and that’s actually going to peak right about now — thanks to the stars. You may need to put an end to a particular situation that’s gone past the point of being productive or emotionally healthy for all parties concerned. While that won’t be easy, you know it has to be done. It really is for the best.


This is one luscious day that you won’t forget in a hurry. The bright light of the stars will be putting you in a magical spotlight. As a result, you may feel the urge to change something about yourself, either physically or intellectually. Whether it’s an exercise program, or the urge to enroll in a class, you’ll enter into it with your usual unparalleled zest.


Just when you thought it was safe to come out — or to at least let your feelings out without fear of reprisal — someone seems to be plotting against you. If you’re genuinely worried about that, consult an earthy, grounded friend — someone who’ll be able to give you an unbiased, honest opinion. What you don’t need is someone who’ll tell you what they think you want to hear.


You’ve got center stage at the moment, there’s no doubt about it. The stars have brought along a full dose of admiring attention for you, most of it from one particular group you’ve been associating with for some time now. This will be a mixed blessing. While you’ll appreciate the good feelings coming your way, you may also be in the mood for some quality time alone with you. Well, take your bows graciously, then duck out early.


The stars are about to illuminate the tug-of-war you’ve been feeling lately about work and career vs. personal issues. It may be time to make a decision, but not to worry. You’re ready, you’re willing and you have what it takes to get the job done. Don’t worry about stepping on anyone’s toes, either. If you’re offered a position because they dropped the ball, that’s not your problem.


There’s no doubt that you’re going to be experiencing absolutely everything to the nth degree today. Thanks to the stars, you can at least rest assured that you’ll have plenty of company. Once you express those feelings, you may also feel the need to reward yourself, and why not? If you haven’t earned it, especially after the week you’ve had, no one has. You’ve proven yourself to be discreet, diligent and loyal. Now let your feelings out, and get yourself a treat!


You’ve got something to say, and you won’t be able to hold it back another second. This has been a long time coming, but with the stars’ intense emotional energy arriving this morning, keeping quiet any longer isn’t necessary, and won’t be possible. You’re being asked to express yourself, and knowing you, you’ll find a gracious, affable way to do it — even if what emerges is a good-bye. You have to do this. Now do it.


Relationships will take center stage in your life right now. In fact, you may be either on the verge of falling in love, or on the verge of admitting that it’s already happened. Either way, rest assured that it’s prime time to accept it and discuss it. The stars give you license to fully express yourself — and today’s the perfect time to let out all those emotions.


You’ve been spending quite a bit of time alone lately, and your friends are beginning to worry. The good news is that it’s all about to come to an end. The stars will illuminate your newly found urge to get out there and mingle — maybe even with an exercise class, or some type of self-help group. Take advantage of this potent energy. Share yourself with others. It’s only fair. You have so much to give.


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