Jobless teachers picket Education Ministry to demand employment


Scores of unemployed graduates of teachers have picketed at the Ministry of Education to demand that they are posted.

The jobless graduates after their national service on Monday, 25 November 2019, said the ministry failed to fulfill its promise to address their grievances.

The teachers claimed they have been home for two years awaiting their posting but the Ministry failed them and give excuses always.


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The graduates carried out a similar exercise some time ago but were lulled into calling it off with the promise that the issue will be addressed.

But nothing has been done about the situation since.


One of the aggrieved teachers said, “we are not going anywhere till they post us… We’ve done everything they asked us to do. We have our license, certificate from our Colleges of Education and national service certificate. This is all it takes for us to be posted.”

The Ghana Education Service (GES), in a statement, announced that it has commenced the process of posting teachers who completed the Colleges of Education in 2018.

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The Education Service stated that only trainees who have written and passed the teacher licensure examination and have completed their national service are eligible for employment.

“Candidates who duly applied online will be shortlisted and postings affected by the end of November 2019,” the GES said in its statement.

“We also wish to state that there will be a consideration for university graduates with basic education and early childhood certificates who have passed the licensure examination and completed national service as well,” the statement added.


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