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Living In a World of Endless Problems


WE LIVE in a world of uncertainties and dilemmas. It is a world of endless problems. It is a world where the critical thinker’s attempts to solve problems often result in other serious problems. Does it remind us of the cobra effect? Vehicles, aeroplanes, ships, boats or motorcycles which scientists develop to solve transportation problems are killing countless number of men, women and children daily. This, indeed, is a serious problem.

What about guns? Are they developed for constructing or destroying human societies? Are guns for protection or killing? Obviously, guns of all types are for killing. But what and who are they to kill? There is no doubt that the critical or free thinker who boasts of being enlightened makes guns to kill mostly people. In fact, some critical thinkers can be bigots and problem makers.

Today, villages, towns, cities or nations are wiped out within a minute by the power of guns and massive weapons. And world leaders and governments boast of owning powerful weapons of mass destruction with which they threaten their foes. What is worth celebrating about weapons of mass destruction? Shall men and women of reason celebrate destruction and killing?


Have you also thought air, water and land pollution caused by electronic, plastic and other wastes today? Has the beautiful earth been developed or destroyed? If it has been properly developed, climate change will not be a topical issue for global discussions to find a solution. Clearly, many scientific innovations are good to solve problems, but create other serious problems for our existence.

And what a world in which medical doctors, who teach lay people how to avoid diseases and stay healthy fall sick and die prematurely? Ah, should a health professional also fall sick and die like a lay person with all the knowledge and wisdom he or she boasts of? This is also a dilemma. In fact, the scientist is not a superman or woman but a normal person with limitations. The complexities of the world are beyond man’s ability to fathom.

Proper, unbiased and unprejudiced education, therefore, should humble man and make him to realise his helplessness and insufficiency. It should lead him to the knowledge of the existence of a supreme being, God, who controls the world. It is understandable to insist that a well-educated person is the one who knows about his body and spirit natures. When you have knowledge and understanding about your spirit man you will most likely appreciate the existence of God.

However, there are people who will never honour God. Such people see nothing wrong with the problems the scientist and science create for the world. One stark truth you should know is that no one lives a problem-free life in this world. Everyone faces one problem or the other. Some are self-inflicted while others come to us naturally. They hit Christians and non-Christians whether rich or poor, educated or uneducated.

Right now, you are either confronted with a problem, leaving a problem or about to face one. It may be disease, poverty, illiteracy, miscarriage, hurt, homelessness, unemployment, setback, disappointment, unforgiveness, bereavement, barrenness/childlessness, rejection, discrimination or divorce.

Problems cause many to commit suicide while others develop depression or anxiety. According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), “Depression is a common mental disorder. Globally, more than 300 million people of all ages suffer from depression. Depression is the leading cause of disability worldwide, and is a major contributor to the overall global burden of disease.”

As already explained above, we cannot prevent problems from occurring, but we can manage how they impact our lives. The greatest way to live happily in this world of problems is to sincerely build your life on Jesus Christ. To build your life on Christ is to believe in Him, hear His Words and practice them. A life built on Christ Jesus is a life built on the rock. A person who genuinely builds his or her life on Christ is wise.

The words of Christ are pure words that give hope to the hopeless, heal the broken-hearted, rejoice the heart and revive the soul. God’s Word tells us that there is hope for tomorrow. It tells us to be content with today’s supply and trust God for tomorrow’s provisions. It exhorts us not to be anxious about anything, but in everything pray. And truly when we pray the peace of God guards our hearts and minds.

Nothing powerfully soothes the troubled heart and mind than the Word of God which commands us to forgive those who offend or hurt us. People who forgive heal themselves as forgiveness improves mental health, free our hearts of anxiety, stress, depression and frustration that robs us of sound sleep and logical thinking. By forgiveness, we normalize our blood pressure, improve our immune system, self-esteem and restore relationships.

Indeed, a true disciple of Christ is a house built on rock; he or she remains unshakable when faced with problems of life. When he becomes weak Christ becomes his strength.

By James Quansah, Kumasi

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