
Media Mogul, Mo Abudu was in London recently for the Royal African Society’s Film Festival -Film Africa, where Ebonylife Media sponsored a masterclass for 20 up and coming filmmakers. The Prince of Wales was the Special guest of honour of the festival and he also attended the masterclass.
She said they spoke about various topics including growing the Black Creative Economy in the UK

She was also able to tell him to watch her movie Oba Eleshin in Netflix. Here what she had to say about it.

“…I was also able to tell him about our new film “Elesin Oba” – “The King’s Horseman” launching on Netflix today and I did ask him to watch 😀. ( I hope he does), but little did I know that I was going to make the headlines with my “request” in the Daily Mail. Please scroll to see!”


We also hope that the Prince of Wales sees it.


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