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Otumfuo Renders Account To Asanteman

Otumfuo Renders Account To Asanteman

Otumfuo Osei Tutu II

THE ASANTEHENE, Otumfuo Osei Tutu II, has virtually rendered accounts of his stewardship, stressing that his 23 years reign has led to massive transformation of the Asante Kingdom.

“I have delivered the best of leadership for Asanteman in the last 23 years and it is clear for all to see,” the Asante King said during a durbar of Queenmothers of Asanteman in Kumasi.


Under Otumfuo’s able leadership, virtually all chieftaincy disputes, which in the past led to unnecessary fights, injuries and even human deaths in Asanteman, have been resolved.

The Asante King, who values education, has also introduced the famous ‘Otumfuo Education Fund’, which has supported thousands of Ghanaian students to realise their academic goals.

Also, Otumfuo’s visionary leadership style has led to massive infrastructural development in the Asante Kingdom, especially in the areas of education, health and sanitation, among others.

Speaking at the Asantehemaa Nana Konadu Yiadom III’s fifth anniversary durbar at the Manhyia Palace, the Asante King said he has done more for his people, adding that he still has more to offer.

According to him, he ascended the great and sacred Golden Stool of Asanteman with the sole intention of implementing positive policies to help defeat poverty, ignorance and diseases.

Otumfuo stated that his prime motive and motivation is to work assiduously to create wealth, educate the people, promote peace and make his kingdom and Ghana in general prosperous for the people.

The Asantehene also showered tons of praises on Nana Konadu Yiadom III for her active support and encouragement, which has enabled him (Otumfuo) to lead Asanteman into affluence.

“The Asantehemaa is not greedy, she is calm, very wise and a development leader and I am grateful to God for blessing Asanteman with a such a unique queen,” he said, attracting applause.

He said Asanteman knows the value and importance of women in nation-building from the onset of the kingdom, therefore women, especially queenmothers in the kingdom are highly respected.

“It was the heroics of the famous Nana Yaa Asantewaa, the Ejisu Queenmother, that prevented the British from taking away the sacred Golden Stool, which is the soul of Asanteman,” he indicated.

When given the chance, Otumfuo said queenmothers would play key roles towards the effective transformation of the country and its people, so they should be given a chance to perform.

“Women are very important, respected and influential in Asanteman, they (women) played significant roles which ensured the commencement of the Asante Kingdom and they still play same crucial roles.

“Queenmothers, for instance, are calm, patient and they are deep ocean of wisdom and insight so we should give our queenmothers chance to help in the transformation of the country,” he suggested.

The Asantehene therefore condemned chiefs, who intentionally and diabolically sideline their queenmothers in their communities, stressing that “let our queenmothers have the peace to perform”.

Otumfuo said as Asanteman’s own way of honouring their queenmothers “every February 6 should be set aside and be marked as queenmothers day,” adding that he prays for long life for the Asantehemaa.

FROM I.F. Joe Awuah Jnr., Kumasi

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