lemon and rosewater
lemon and rosewater

We continue with today’s lesson on some simple ways through which pimples can be treated with lemon. In our first lesson, we looked at treating pimples with lemon juice.

Do you know that pimples can also be treated with lemon and rose water? To treat pimples using this method you will need the following;

  • Mild soap
  • Washcloth
  • Towel
  • Cotton ball
  • Bowl
  • Knife
  • Lemon, fresh or juice
  • Rose water


Lemon Juice and Rose Water



Step 1

Cleanse your skin with a mild soap and water while gently scrubbing with a washcloth. Rinse and dry your skin with a clean towel.


Step 2

Combine equal parts of lemon juice and rose water in a bowl. Rose water has natural antibacterial properties, is a skin toner and helps to reduce the acidic nature of lemon juice.


Step 3

Dip a cotton wool into the mixture and squeeze to do away with any excess liquid. Apply the product directly to your affected skin areas.


Step 4

Let the product stay on your skin for 15 to 30 minutes and rinse with cool water. Dry your skin with a towel.


Step 5

Repeat the lemon juice and rose water treatment twice daily, or as needed.




Before applying lemon juice remedies to large areas of your skin carry out a small skin test first. If you are using straight lemon juice, you may experience a mild stinging sensation upon application; however, if the stinging is uncomfortable or causes redness or inflammation, you can dilute the lemon juice with water using a one-to-one mixture.



Avoid contact with eyes when using lemon juice. In addition, lemon juice is an exfoliant and removes the dead skin cells that promote new skin growth–this fresh skin may be sensitive to the sunlight, so avoiding sun exposure or wearing sunscreen is advised.


Source: Livestong.com




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