The fruits of the Spirit are nine attributes that Christians believe are produced in the lives of believers by the Holy Spirit. They are listed in Galatians 5:22-23:

Love: This is the highest of all the fruits of the Spirit. It is a selfless, sacrificial love that is shown to others, even those who are unlovable.

Joy: This is a deep and abiding happiness that comes from knowing God and His love. It is not dependent on circumstances, but is a constant source of strength and hope.

Peace: This is a sense of calm and well-being that comes from trusting in God. It is a peace that surpasses understanding and can help us to overcome difficult times.

Forbearance: This is the ability to patiently tolerate others, even when they are difficult or annoying. It is a fruit of love that shows that we care about others, even when they make mistakes.

Kindness: This is a gentle and caring attitude towards others. It is shown in our words and actions, and it makes the world a kinder place.
Goodness: This is a commitment to doing what is right and good, even when it is difficult. It is a fruit of the Spirit that shows that we are following God’s will.

Faithfulness: This is the ability to be trusted. It is a fruit of the Spirit that shows that we are reliable and dependable.

Gentleness: This is a kind and considerate attitude towards others. It is shown in our words and actions, and it makes the world a gentler place.

Self-control: This is the ability to control our thoughts, emotions, and actions. It is a fruit of the Spirit that shows that we are submitting our lives to God’s control.

The fruits of the Spirit are not achieved overnight. They are developed over time as we grow in our relationship with God and the Holy Spirit. As we allow the Holy Spirit to work in our lives, we will begin to bear more and more of these fruits.

Thank you Jesus.


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