VIDEO: John Mahama’s kids jam to hip hop music


Two of John Mahama’s children, Sharaf and Farida, are obviously big fans of hip hop music.

In a video that has gone viral, the two were spotted serious vibing and jamming to a hip hop song.

It’s not easy shutting off attention from the media when your father is a former President of the country.


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However, Sharaf and Farida seem to be handling themselves well, as they enjoy a close bond with their father.

Earlier this year, a viral video showed ex-President Mahama in a cycling race with Farida, while Sharaf jogged along.

Despite the tension in the political space ahead of the December polls, Sharaf and Farida seem to be enjoying their private lives.

Watch them jamming to some music in the video below:

Fun time as children of Former President John Mahama jam to some hip hop flow. 😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃


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